13th May 2023, live lecture (concurrent zoom alternative) Bishop Rowan Williams

13th May 2023, live lecture (concurrent zoom alternative) Bishop Rowan Williams

13th May 2023, live lecture (concurrent zoom alternative) Bishop Rowan Williams

# Harrogate School of Theology and Mission

13th May 2023, live lecture (concurrent zoom alternative) Bishop Rowan Williams

The lecture will take place at St Mark’s Church, Leeds Road, Harrogate 10.00 am – 12.00 noon with breakfast available from 9.30 am. There is also a concurrent zoom alternative, with a dedicated zoom host, so interaction with the speaker is possible.

Live lectures attended in person are still only £8.00 per session, including breakfast and mid-morning refreshments; students: £5 per lecture; under 18s free. Zoom (£5) must be booking in advance, using the link below. To attend in person, you can simply turn on the day and pay by contactless card, cheque (to Harrogate School of Theology and Mission) or more preferably (for our planning) you can book in advance using the online booking system Eventbrite: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/lecture-by-rowan-williams-contemplative-life-and-urban-mission-tickets-525585389047

This booking link takes you to all the ticket categories described above. 

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