Our parish is managed by a Parochial Church Council, made up of the clergy, Lay Readers, Deanery Synod Reps, Churchwardens (one elected by each church), and elected members of the congregations (one elected by each church).  We meet every two to three months to pray, discuss, and discern together what, and how, we do as churches.

Obviously we've only relatively recently come together as a single parish, so one of our working documents at the moment which is guiding our conversations is affectionately known as the 'State of the Nation' and reflects our ongoing thinking and reflection about how we're doing in various areas of church life.  It's not a secret, and we're open to suggestion and correction on it.  You can find it just here.

If there are ever things you feel you want us to be discussing, or considering, then please do speak to any member and ask them to raise it with the PCC.  Please not that the PCC won't discuss anonymous submissions, so you will need to be willing to be known - but outside of the PCC meetings your name won't be used in connection with the matter you've raised, nor will it appear in any minutes.  You can find our feedback policy just here.

We also have three 'Passion Led Groups' which are under the guidance of the PCC, and report back to them.  These groups are open to members who are share their passion, and are not limited to PCC members - so if you'd like to get involved then please do be in touch.  These three exist because they were areas identified as priorities by the PCC, and they are:

We are also working to establish a PLG focussed on Mission and Church Growth in the near- to mid-term.

There is also a monthly meeting of worship leaders, and musicians, who discuss with the incumbent questions relating to worship; and a Standing Committee of the churchwardens and incumbent who meet to discuss regular maintenance, and building works.

You can find and read PCC minutes, once they have been approved, just here.

You can find draft agendas for past and future meetings here.