
Wherever you are in your journey of faith, we would love to have you join with us as we explore together.
Across our five churches we aim to offer a variety of different styles of worship, so hopefully you will find a place amongst us that enables you to draw closer to God.  The upcoming calendar is below, but here's the sorts of things you'll find:

Downloadable Calendar

An up to date downloadable calendar will be available again here soon - apologies, with the changes to how we're managing public access to Markington Church the current copy has got a little out of date.  The calendar below, though, should keep you on track for now.

Communion Services

At the heart of our identity as a Christian Community is the communion service; a disparate people coming together around the table to receive the hospitality of God - not because we deserve it, but because he invites us.  If you regularly receive communion (bread and wine) in any trinitarian church, you are very welcome to do so with us.

Prayer Services

We enjoy a regular pattern of prayer together.  Morning Prayer is said every weekday at 9am: on Mondays that happens at St. John's, Bishop Thornton; and on the 2nd,3rd, and 4th Wednesday of the month at All Saints' Ripley.  Mon-Fri the service is also available online at fb.com/ourfivechurches.

Compline (night prayer) is usually offerend online Tuesday-Thursday, at 9pm, on our facebook page: fb.com/ourfivechurches.

Discussion Services

We believe faith grows as it's explored in community, so we have a number of services in our calendar designed to let you join in the conversation.  We have an online Saturday morning discussion service, a celtic morning prayer and discussion service, and a breakfast fellowship service - at which you get to eat and talk!

Online Worship

We offer online worship alongside our physical worship - most of which can be found on our facebook page.  That usually includes daily Morning Prayer at 9am, Monday-Friday; Compline at 9pm Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday; and larger festival services.  We are also currently trialling a weekly shorter service available right here on our worship page - which you probably noticed above!

We also offer a morning prayer and discussion service by Zoom on a Saturday morning at 9am.  You can receive the link by subscribing to our newsletter.

Free Parking for Services in Ripley

You can park for free in Ripley if you are coming to a church service.  Please visit: https://www.ripleycastle.co.uk/ car-parking/.  Once there you can put in your name, date, car registration and reference code 2023ASCRService.

You need only do this once, and you will have three hours free parking every Wednesday and Sunday indefinitely, allowing you to come to church and not worry about the car.

This information is also available at the back of All Saints' Church, Ripley.

   Upcoming Worship