Worship Pattern Review for 2020

Worship Pattern Review for 2020

Worship Pattern Review for 2020

# Joint PCC

Worship Pattern Review for 2020

The next meeting of the Joint PCC on November 26th will be finalising our worship calendar for 2020.  We have been working for some months, listening to one another, consulting through local PCCs, and thinking together about what's worked well this last year, and where there have been challenges.

We have arrived at the point of having a proposed worship calendar, which PCCs will be discussing over the next week's, in order to bring their views to the conversation on the 26th.  That means at this point the pattern is not fixed, and therefore open for comment, suggestions, and improvements.

If you would like to have a look at what is proposed, in order to give feedback to your PCC then you can find the following online:

  • An early worship pattern proposal, but contains a page showing the underlying 'normal month' pattern that then gets knocked off course by real dates and events to produce the timetable! - Possible 2020 Calendar.pdf
  • A more recent working of the possible calendar (which will now be the starting point of the JPCC discussion), which is reworked slightly to engage with a variety of national and international 'awareness days' to add more contemporary relevance to our worship, and to create more opportunities to invite those who aren't yet members of our churches to come along. - 2020 Revised Calendar copy.pdf
  • A provisional 2020 readings list to go alongside the worship pattern. - Provisional 2020 Readings.pdf

What is apparent from the conversations and plans is a deeper enthusiasm for working together, along with a refreshed interest in engaging our whole population, not just regular church goers.  2020 looks set to be a real step forward towards our vision of becoming one church with five well-supported buildings, that provides a variety of engaging worship opportunities for all the residents of our Benefice, and allows them to worship where, when, or how they want (but not necessarily all three!).

The main piece of work for the Joint PCC going forwards into next year will be engaging with the Diocesan strategy, and exploring how to implement that locally.

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