Holy Monday

Holy Monday

Holy Monday

# Sunday Stars Holy Week

Holy Monday

Let’s Read! 

Today we look at the story of the woman who anointed Jesus’ feet. You can read the whole passage in your Bible: John 12 v 1 -11. 

One evening, Jesus was having dinner with a few of his friends. It was a celebration and a happy gathering. A few days before, Jesus has brought a man called Lazurus back from the dead – a pretty amazing miracle. After the meal, Lazurus’ sister Mary, who was particularly grateful for Jesus’ miracle, appeared carrying a large pot of expensive perfume. 

Then Mary took a pint of pure nard, an expensive perfume; she poured it on Jesus’ feet and wiped his feet with her hair. And the house was filled with the fragrance of the perfume. John 12:3 (NIV)

Can you imagine what the other guests might have been thinking at this very extravagant and personal gesture?  One guest made it very clear what he was thinking. Judas, a disciple of Jesus, was there and said,

 ‘Why wasn’t this perfume sold and the money given to the poor? It was worth a year’s wages.’ John 12: 5 (NIV).

Jesus responded to Judas saying,

‘Leave her alone … it was intended that she should save this perfume for the day of my burial’. John 7:7-8 (NIV)

Let’s Think! 

These little snippets from the passage tell us some very important things about the three characters, Mary, Judas, and Jesus, if we ask ourselves some questions: 

1)Why did Mary anoint Jesus’ feet with perfume? 

2)Why was Judas annoyed by Mary’s actions? 

3)How can we tell that Jesus knows he is going to die?  

Let’s Talk!

We cannot shower Jesus with expensive oil or perfume – nor would Jesus expect us to… Jesus does not care about material things he just wants to know that our hearts are pure. As a family, talk about the things we can do to show Jesus our thanks and love for him in our everyday lives (this might include: praying to God; praising God in worship and song; acting and thinking in love and kindness etc).  

Let’s Do! 

You will need a small container (an empty jar would be ideal), coloured card or paper, a pencil and some felt tip pens. 

As a family, write a list of all the blessings for which you are thankful to God. Try to think of one word or phrase for every day of the month. The list can include people, feelings, places, pets … and lots more!

On your sheets of coloured paper or card draw and cut out enough petal shapes large enough to write each of your ‘blessings’ on. When you have finished, place the petals in the jar… You now have your own pot of expensive perfume. Our blessings from God are more valuable than any material things!

Let’s pray!

Dear Lord,

Thank you for the goodness in our lives and the blessings you have given us. Help us to act out your love in our daily lives so that we may show you thanks and praise. 

Through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen. 

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