Studying Theology for the First Time - A new Course

Studying Theology for the First Time - A new Course

Studying Theology for the First Time - A new Course

# Discipleship

Studying Theology for the First Time - A new Course

A new course is being set up this January by the School of Ministry called Studying Theology for the First Time. This is a course designed for anyone in a church congregation who want to experience studying theology for the first time at a basic level. It will provide people with a taste of what studying theology involves and may lead them to pursuing this more deeply, in order to be involved in some sort of church ministry. It will be delivered across the 4 hubs of the School of Ministry that are located in Mirfield, Leeds, Bradford and Ripon.

The course will be delivered in 4 locations: The Mirfield Centre, Kadugli House, Leeds Church Institute and Holy Trinity Ripon. All the courses will include the same content and there will be around 12 teaching sessions, equivalent to approximately 24 hours of teacher input.
The frequency of the sessions will vary, depending upon which place you choose to attend. At Kadugli House, Leeds Church Institute and Holy Trinity Ripon teaching will be delivered weekly on an evening (not including the half term break), from 7pm – 9pm. However, at The Mirfield Centre teaching will be delivered across 4 Sundays. These study days run from 9am until 4pm.
Please find the dates for the sessions below:
·         The Mirfield Centre: 7th January 2018, 4th February 2018, 10th March 2018, 15th April 2018.
·         Leeds Church Institute: starts 10th January (every Wednesday) until 28th March.
·         Holy Trinity Ripon: starts 9th January (every Tuesday) until 27th March.
·         Kadugli House: No dates have been set yet, however will be running every Wednesday evening from January to March.
Apologise that not all of the dates for the sessions are available yet, particularly for Kadugli House. However, further dates will be released soon and you will be contacted if you are interested in attending the course there.
If you wish to book a place then please send an email to with (there is no booking form required):
1)      The location you wish to attend.
2)      Your name, parish and contact details.
3)      Details of how you will pay. In order to confirm a place we require a £30 deposit. This along with the remaining £50 for the course can be paid in one of three ways:
·         Online Bank Transfer – bank details will be sent to you, along with a specific reference code for the location you wish to attend. This code must be used so we can identify your payment. This is for a one off payment.
·         Standing Order – if you wish to pay your deposit and then the rest of your remaining payments in instalments, we will forward a standing order form for you to complete. This form would be filled out by yourself and then passed on to your bank.
·         Cheque – if you wish to pay your deposit and other payments by check, a slip will be sent to you. This will provide details of whom the cheque must be made out and sent to.

Any deposits can be received immediately, however, the deadline for this payment is 2nd January 2018. We recommend paying your deposit as soon as possible to avoid missing out on a place because the course is fully booked. Please state which option you wish to use to pay.

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