Eco tip for the 2nd week in September

Eco tip for the 2nd week in September

Eco tip for the 2nd week in September

# Ecology and Environment

Eco tip for the 2nd week in September

A few shocking facts about food waste in the UK:

  1. The UK produces 9.5 million tonnes of food waste a year (The House of Lords)
  2. 70% of our food waste is still perfectly edible
  3. The UK produces the highest food waste in Europe
  4. The UK’s food waste could feed over 30 million people annually. In fact, the amount of food thrown away could feed the entire UK population three meals a day for a whole 11 weeks.

Why is so much good food wasted? According to research, it's mainly because people:

  1. Check what's in the fridge/cupboard to see what needs using up
  2. Don't plan their meals for the next few days
  3. Go shopping without a list (and end up buying things they don't need or already have)

So this week's eco tips is really simple: check what's in the fridge/cupboard and plan a few meals BEFORE you hit the shops.

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