Eco tip for the second week of November

Eco tip for the second week of November

Eco tip for the second week of November

# Ecology and Environment

Eco tip for the second week of November

Are you beginning to write Christmas present lists, but have people for whom you can't think of anything they might need or want? There are some brilliant charities which allow you to choose a 'gift' of something that helps those in this world who are struggling to survive and thrive. From buying a pair of chickens for a farmer in South Sudan, to an olive tree sapling for a Palestinian farmer to twinning a toilet with someone in Uganda, the choice is endless and you can find just the right thing to match the interests of the person you have in mind. Here are a couple of links to get you started:


Home - Toilet Twinning

Charity Gifts | Gift a Donation | Oxfam Unwrapped

If none of these appeal, please pray for charities that try to help those who are most desperate in this world. 

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