Eco Tip - July 4th (July’s eco tips all relate to plastic.)

Eco Tip - July 4th (July’s eco tips all relate to plastic.)

Eco Tip - July 4th (July’s eco tips all relate to plastic.)

# Ecology and Environment

Eco Tip - July 4th (July’s eco tips all relate to plastic.)

Lots of products, such as toothpaste and creams are packaged in plastic tubes. Even after squeezing out as such as possible, did you know that 10-20% often remains in the tube? If you simply cut the tube in half, you can access what remains, meaning your product lasts longer, you save money and when you recycle the tube it’s properly empty and therefore cleaner. You can easily slip the bottom half of the tube over the top half to stop your product drying out.

To be recycled successfully, plastic containers need to be as empty and clean as possible.

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