Eco tip for the 3rd week in December

Eco tip for the 3rd week in December

Eco tip for the 3rd week in December

# Ecology and Environment

Eco tip for the 3rd week in December

Have you finished all your Christmas shopping? Perhaps you still have a few bits to buy, such as foodie or toiletry presents, as well as general shopping. Might you consider trying not to buy (or buy less) stuff that contains palm oil? he reason is because its production destroys rainforests and biodiversity. The plight of orangutans has been a key feature of palm oil campaigns, due to 80% of their habitat being destroyed in the last 20 years and the serious risk they face of extinction in our lifetime.

People is a handy 'look up' tool that helps you check. The same website will give you more information about the problems with palm oil.

Palm Oil Free List | Ethical Consumer

Even if all your shopping is complete (and you've avoid palm oil anyway) would you consider praying for all the wonderful wildlife that is currently facing extinction, including orangutans and also pray for all those involved in protecting the beautiful but fragile diversity of God's good creation?

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